As a senior medical student, I was accepted for a surgical externship on the Harvard Surgical Service at MGH. I noticed grafting surgeries took so long because we had to individually sew skin graft pieces together for hours in these 80% burned children. When I returned two years later as junior surgical resident in charge for a three month rotation, I tried laying the grafts down without sewing. I then took coarse mesh gauze unfolded in large sheets and stapled them strategically over the grafts to secure them. This worked so well that we were able to double the surgeries per day. I beat James May Jr.’s record and held it many years after I left. A few decades later on my annual visit to say hello, I was told my record had been beaten. How, I asked? We doubled the number of operating rooms! Best burn center for children in the world.
He stole a car drunk and flipped it over cutting off the top of his ear. It was found six hours later. The coincidence of a disheveled HBO nurse passing home through the ER as the EMTs came in with the ear at 5:45 am sparked an idea. If I stagger the incision to double the surface area and stick him in a hyperbaric chamber twice a day for ten days, will it revascularize? Dr. David Bright in charge of HBO said “let’s try”, and history was made.
Recluse spider bites required early excision and skin grafting because the necrotic wounds rapidly spread if ignored. I was new and clueless in Florida and when this homeless young man came to the ER with a 5 inch necrotic lesion on his back, I biopsied it in curiosity. The ER doctor came in and said “you have cut that whole thing down to fascia and graft it before it gets bigger”. I called Dr Bright and asked him what would happen if we put him in the HBO chamber. He called around the country and nobody knew. So despite not having any insurance, we put him in the chamber twice a day for ten days and the wound healed without surgery. After two more cases succeeded, I would tell the ER just call Dr. Bright. This is now a standard of practice by those in the know.
I had perfected a technique for precise tapered eyelid pigmentation by placing the lid in an eye clamp and stretching it out with Xylocaine. Instead of adjacent dot technique in use then, I would draw the line like a painter. With the skin stretched out, I could taper the line laterally. When the clamp was released, the skin would contract and a beautifully fine taped line resulted. It was far superior to the dot technique which resulted in shaky jagged lines.
Dr. Patipa in WPB invited me to his course and I demonstrated my technique drawing a dinosaur on a pig’s ear. He confided they had spent a fortune on teaching videos with the adjacent dot technique, and most people did not have steady enough hands to draw the lines.
At the time they devised a three needle tip for eyebrows. The results were miserable because they were using a formula measuring from the corner of the lip and other landmarks to draw out an “ideal” arch for the brow. Then permanently inking it. I thought this was crazy. All eyebrows are different. They also tried drawing little hairs which looked bizarre to me.
A patient begged me to do her brows. She spent an hour every day painting them with pencil. I told her the results we terrible, but she insisted. So I told her to spend all the time she needed to draw her brows. If they were crooked, I would make them crooked. When she came in, I erased a small section at a time and reproduced it with ink. Bit by bit I reproduced the entire eyebrow. After buying three tri-needles Patipa came to watch what I was doing. He then brought in a TV crew to film my technique played it at every convention.
I had done ten, and he made me the world expert. I received a call from the surgeon of a princess in Europe for advice. Is she blue eyed, blond, and beautiful? Yes he said. Save your career, tell her she is beautiful and does not need the procedure. Only brown pigment held its color, black turned greenish and light colors faded. Fair blonds with blue eyes having dark brown permanent brows offends my sensibilities. I tired of permanent makeup and moved on to laser pioneering.
The challenge was to remove a giant lipoma through a stab wound incision. The traditional incision was a long one along the axis of the lipoma, painful and unsightly. There had to be a better way. The problem was how to remove the sack around the lip. Reaching in with a clamp merely tore it. But clamping it across and rolling like spaghetti on a fork was the was the breakthrough. A new procedure was born. One of my first videos with Jaws and Rocky music. This went world wide and showed me the educational power of the internet.
Natural Eyes by Cooper Vision was the first medical grade equipment for permanent eyeliner. The brochure had a photo which showed a shaggy line which resulted from the technique of laying a line of individual dots spaced along the lower lid. Then a dot would be laid between each of two dots.
Then one in between each of two until a line was finally established. This technique combined with blinking lids and shaky hands was not ideal. But I thought the whole idea was ridiculous. Why would anyone want permanent eyeliner?
My nurse said “are you kidding, this is great, I want it done.” So I bought the machine, but there must be a better way. This dot technique was awful. First I had to stabilize and control the lid. An eye clamp solved that. I was an artist , so there must be a way to draw a line instead of dots. By adjusting the rpm of the needle, I found a speed that would draw without lacerating the tissue. Next, how do I taper the lines and keep them thin?
I found that by clamping the lid, and injecting the trapped skin with Xylocaine with epinephrine until it stretched, I could draw a perfect tapered line. When the clamp was released and the skin shrank the line would become very fine.
Important points were never connect upper and lower lids medially or laterally. Lower lids should not go past the tear duct. Stay off the white line. Upper lids should thicken and curve up laterally and avoid the canthus.
Today, the drawing technique has been widely adopted and the results of skilled artists with modern dyes has vastly improved. After 300 cases, I became bored and moved on to laser research.
before upper/lower
2 days after upper/lower
upper lids
upper/lower lids
just upper lids
eye clamp secret to perfect lines
In 1987 Dr. Jean Carruthers, a Vancouver-based ophthalmologist first experimented on his secretary, Cathy Swann, for wrinkles with a botulism based neurotoxin used for strabismus. In 89 John Connelly Md asked me to inject his wrinkles with Oculinum toxin. “What the hell is that?”, I asked.
He told me and I tracked down the product which was off label. I diluted the 100 unit bottle with 10cc of saline and experimented. Arbitrarily started with 10 units across the forehead, 10 units for glabellar frowns, and 5 units on each side for crows feet. I injected through the muscle bellies intuitively as a surgeon, instead of straight down pricks so common today. Turned out this was the perfect dose for 95% of my patients. I see patients massively overdosed today.
In NYC and Los Angeles patients were charged $3000 for three sites claiming the bottle had to be discarded after opening. The bottle was only $250! I thought this was criminal and decided to charge $200 per site and bring all the patients in on the same day, not to waste product. BOTULINIUM DAY was born. Word of mouth spread to NYC. Patients flew down, stayed in a beach resort, got their Botox Monday and flew back home for half the price. Oculinum was purchased by Allergan and labeled Botox in 1991. Botulinum Day morphed into Botox Day
Oculinum before it became Botox in 1991.
A dermatologist in Miami trained by Mohs himself, asked if I would close a patient that lived locally. Sure.
At 3 pm a male arrived with a full thickness loss of his right nose! My first introduction to
MOHS before modern H & E stains were used. I now was faced with having to provide an inner lining for the nose, an outer skin, and a cartilage support for the nostril rim! Thinking on your feet is the exciting part of trauma and reconstructive surgery. The problem was defined, now the solution.
First a nasolabial flap was elevated. Normally these are rotated around to cover the skin side of a defect and are very reliable. But this one had to be rotated on its blood supply, which is risky business. The skin end was sutured to the mucosa of the nose with absorbable sutures, and the flap was flipped over, trimmed and sutured circumferentially inside. The nasolabial donor site was then sutured closed potentially putting more pressure on the twisted blood supply.
Now we needed a composite graft from the ear (skin and cartilage) to to mimmic and support the nostril rim. The anterior helix of the ear was perfect. Composite grafts, due to their thickness are risky business even on a a well vascularized surface. But on the back of of a flap with a twisted blood supply, is really rolling the dice.
A few days later there was some impending necrosis of the upper graft but then it revascularized and completely healed with a reasonable result. ” It is better to be lucky than to be good”.
I was curious and reviewed the slides. The cancer was only on the outside of the cartilage! The was no reason to cut all the way through the nose for a basal cell. I realized, dermatologists do not understand the principles of reconstructive surgery. If you have a cancer on the forearm, cutting the arm off at the elbow guarantees a cure. But plastic surgeons think, I can save the arm with a well planned excision of the lesion itself. So I became an expert MOHS surgeon.
The French developed a device (hexascanner) to rapidly administer laser hits in a rapid fire alternating sequence to avoid the heat buildup of adjacent skin hits before heat is dissipated. This was a major breakthrough. We used it primarily to research treatment of port wine stain birth defects and spider veins. We found it effective on the face but a disappointing failure on the legs.
Fixing synmastia and double bubble deformities was performed with external mattress sutures or internal suture to obliterate the pocket. These were prone to failure because the root causes were not addressed. Pressure caused by pectorals contraction on sub muscular implants was a factor in double bubble deformity and over dissection over the midline accounted for most uniboob (synmastia) deformities. An innovative technique of imbrication was found reliable in preventing recurrences. A detailed video of the procedure for young surgeons can be found at
Tansini introduced the latissimus dorsi flap back in 1906 for reconstruction of large mastectomy defects. Before antibiotics these were risky business. The flap faded into obscurity until my generation rediscovered it in the late 1970s when we were reattaching fingers, arms, and legs. We transitioned from random flaps to vascularized flaps and mapping of the vascular supply to skin regions opened a whole new world.
Olivari reported the LDF for the coverage of large radiation ulcers of the chest wall in 1976. Boswick adapted it in 1978 and we experimented with it in Boston and New York about the same time.
Many surgeons were placing the skin elipse in the transverse mastectomy scar for fear of ending up with an additional scar. From an engineering point of view, the elipse was best placed into a new incision placed along the inframammary crease which created beautiful lower pole to the breast . The original transverse mastectomy scar which moves up the breast is a very reasonable trade off for the much more natural breast shape. This flap is rarely used today, but when used with skill, was a very useful tool in the days before free flaps.
After enthusiastically engineering a way of fixating the threads during the early excitement and promise of the concept, it became evident that it did not withstand the test of time. Too many complications.
Unhappy with the conventional belly button scars on tummy tucks, a method had to be engineered to solve the problem of the ugly belly button scar. A solution eventually was devised to hide the scar by bring the skin down to a short stalk, instead of bringing a long stalk up to the skin.
20 years ago a young lady was disfigured by a disastrous attempt to inject Radiuses into her lips. To remove this without injuring her, I took advantage of a new technology at our hospital, 3D CAT scan.
This enabled me to identify the location and track of the material and remove some of it safely. A challenging engineering problem.
Pre-wetting fillers was not an original idea, but I found it so intriguing that I experimented with the concept. My first attempt on a friend the day before a cruise did not go well. But it paved the way for for very exciting results and a great leap forward in mastering hyaluronic acids.
We are rsearching the combination of micro-liposuction of the submittal fat pouch in young patients not suitable for facelift surgery. Encouraging results
Nanofat was was applied by injection and topical absorption via micro needling by a presenter from Europe many years ago at the Backer Gordon Meeting in Miami. I experimented with this, but the micro needling was very bloody and left a raw surface for a few days. The injected nanofat worked. Now Morpheus 8 micro needles down to 4mm without the bruising and bleeding. We are combining these two technologies.
No matter how meticulous the technical mastery of the surgery, which is totally under control of the surgeon, there comes the healing phase which has a mind of its own. Every patient heals differently depending on the mysteries of their genetic code.
The best we can do is set up the conditions for optimal healing, (delicate tissue handling, tissue plane dissection, atraumatic suture techniques, drains, dressings, etc.) and the rest is up to nature.
Identifying potential complications early (hematomas, cellulitis, hypertrophic healing, allergic reactions, etc.) and dealing with them before they progress to disasters requires checking the patient the day after surgery now that in-hospital observation and recovery is unaffordable.
We have seen some rare but crazy anomalies and fortunately had the training and experience and luck to deal with them without worsening the condition.
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